How to Get Rid of Deep Blackheads on Nose – 10 Home Remedies

So the blackheads over your nose make your face dull and lower your self-esteem? This write-up covers an informative detail about deep blackheads on nose and most effective recipes to get rid of them.

Squeezing the dark bumps and trying dozens of cosmetic creams isn’t the best route of getting rid of them.

It’s a very common problem and fortunately, there are some effective home remedies to treat them.

Blackheads are dark spots on the skin which appear due to clogged hair follicles. They are a common type of skin problem which occurs almost everywhere in the world. Factors like excessive use of beauty products, hormonal changes, and genetics contribute to this.

So ladies, don’t worry too much about this skin disorder.

We will provide you all information and home remedies about how to get rid of deeply embedded blackheads on nose. With easily found ingredient and simple recipe, you can get rid of blackheads within 2 weeks.

What Causes Blackheads on Nose?
Blackheads are inflamed clog that develop in the pore or in the opening of hair follicles. The hair follicles consist of sebaceous gland which secretes sebum, a type of oil. Sebum secretion has an important role to play in softening the skin.

When the dead skin cell and sebum oil come in contact with each other, they produce bump. This bump on exposure to polluted air turns into black colored expulsion called blackheads or black bumps.

There are various reasons of blackheads appearance on the, these have been described below;

#1 Hormonal change– During the early 30s, the estrogen level in women starts decreasing. As a result of this, the oil gland starts promoting black bumps.

However, blackheads also occur when women’s menstruation starts during the teen days. Sometimes it also happens due to intake of birth control pills. The most common reason for blackheads appearance in young girls is adolescence (the time they hit puberty).

#2 Health Conditions– The health conditions like stress and tension can also be responsible for appearance of blackheads.

Women’s ovary diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can also be one of the reasons for the blackheads to appear on the face.

#3 Medications- Steroids, testosterone, estrogen and phenytoin are some medicine which can cause skin problem included black heads problems. These medicines sometimes increase the sebum secretion, which result in acne breakout and blackheads.

#4 Sweat– Sweat is one of the main reasons. Whether it comes out because of your intense work out, or sun exposure, any kind of heat waves increases the chances of blackheads formation. Sweat beads clogs ups the skin pores form clogs.

#5 Skin products– Commercial beauty and skin products having a particular fragrance or artificial colors are quite risky as they clog up the hair follicle of nose. As a result, the skin pores get blocked and blackheads forms over the nose.

#6 Drugs– Drugs are generally never good for our skin as well as for ours nose. Their intake can make blackheads. For examples some steroids based drugs such as corticosteroids, lithium and androgens.

#7 Bacteria– Some bacteria such as Propionibacterium are also responsible for forming stubborn blackheads on nose.

How to Get Rid of Deep Blackheads on Nose?
However there are various medicines available in market for removing blackheads but there efficiency is very limited, and side effects, obviously, unlimited.

However you can choose a homemade recipe for blackhead removal which aren’t only safe but effective at the same time.

The below mentioned homemade recipes will be the perfect answer of the question how to remove deep blackheads on nose. Let’s dive into this section to find the best recipes for blackheads removal.

Step1 –Home made Face pack for blackhead removal
The regular use of face packs ensures removal of blackheads. Baking soda is the best solution for blackheads removal. So, it is the most important ingredient of this face pack. Here’s how you can prepare it:

  • Take 4 tablespoon baking soda and 1 cup of mineral water.
  • Mix baking soda in mineral water and stir it well.
  • Apply the paste in your nose and leave it for 10 minutes
  • It helps in removing dead cells and impurities from skin
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Wipe out your face with clean cotton towel.

Step 2 – Steaming
Steaming is another most effective option for blackheads removal because it opens the clogged pores of the nose and wherever steam reaches.

  • Take one bowl of hot water.
  • Put your face close to the bowl for taking steams.
  • Cover your head with towel.
  • Stay 10 to 15 minutes

Step 3- Blackhead Extraction
This should be the next step. As face mask cleaned your face, and steaming opened up the clogged pores, you can now proceed for blackhead extraction process.

  • Take a blackhead extractor. It is easily available in nearby chemist shop
  • This tool helps in removing oil and dirt from skin pores.
  • Put the middle of metal loop in the center of blackheads and press it.
  • This pushing helps in extracting oil and dust from pore.


  • Don’t push too much and forcefully
  • Don’t use your nails for removing blackheads.

Step 4- Use of toner
After blackhead extraction make sure to apply a good toner to your nose area. Toner will help in cleansing of nose. Rose water is a good option for nose. Use cotton pad to apply rose water in your water.

Note: If above technique fails at removing the black bumps from your face, you can ask suggestions from dermatologist. But, before taking that step, let’s go through the best and most effective home remedies.

These recipes can take some time to show results, but they are sure to yield positive results with regular use. So keep patience.

Home Remedies to Remove Deep Blackheads on Nose?
There are various homemade methods which can be used to get rid of deep blackheads.

#1 Egg White Face Pack
Egg is great source of protein and vitamins. It has elements to make the skin soft and help retain the elasticity. It contains albumin which helps in tightening of the pores of nose.

  • Take one egg white and one teaspoon honey.
  • Mix both the ingredients.
  • Apply this paste on your nose.
  • Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.

For better result, use this mask twice a week.

#2 Cinnamon and Lemon Face Mask
Cinnamons have potential to improve blood circulation and tighten the skin pores, while lemon has antibacterial property. Together these two ingredients make an excellent pair for removing blackheads.

  • Take 2 tablespoon cinnamon powder and 2 tablespoon lemon juice.
  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Apply this mask on your nose.
  • Leave it for 20 minute.
  • Rinse off with clean water.
  • For better results use this mask 3 or 4 times in a week.

Precautions- cinnamon is not suited for every skin type so to avoid any harmful reactions, do a patch test before applying the paste to the face.

 #3 Fresh Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera has healing and soothing properties. It is very helpful in removing blackheads as it opens the pore and control oil production of skin.

  • Take fresh Aloe Vera leaves, peel the leaf.
  • Directly apply gel to your skin.
  • Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • For better results you can use it daily.

If you are unable to find aloe vera plant nearby your place then buy the aloe vera gel from the nearby market.

#4 Exfoliation with Baking Soda
Baking soda is amazing skin exfoliator. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is extremely helpful in removing blackheads as it unclog the pores in nose

Take 1 tablespoon baking soda and 2 teaspoon water.

  • Mix both the ingredients.
  • Apply in your nose.
  • Gently massage your nose with your fingertips for few seconds.
  • Leave this scrub for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your nose with lukewarm water.

If you want better and early results, then you can do this process daily.

#5 Exfoliation with Honey
Honey has antibacterial property which is very important for banishing blackheads. Here’s how you can use honey for blackheads removal:

  • Take one tablespoon each of organic raw honey, lemon juice and brown sugar.
  • Mix all the three ingredients.
  • Use this mixture for scrubbing your nose.
  • Rub this mixture and do scrub on your nose.
  • Leave this for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water.

For better results, apply this mask daily before going to bed.

#6 Lemon and Yogurt Mixture
Yogurt is a natural moisturizer while lemon helps in tightening the skin, remove skin impurity and tighten all the small and large pores of skin. Both ingredients work effectively, for removing blackheads from skin.

  • Take one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon yogurt and half tablespoon salt.
  • Mix these ingredients.
  • Apply it in your nose and gently massage with your fingertips.
  • Leave it for 10 to 12 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.

For better result you can use it in alternative days.

#7 Oatmeal as Exfoliator
Oatmeal has anti inflammatory properties. It is an excellent exfoliator for oily and dry skin. You can use it with yogurt olive oil and lemon juice.

  • Take 2 tablespoons ground oatmeal, 2 tablespoon yogurt, one tablespoon olive oil and one tablespoon lemon juice.
  • At first make a mixture of yogurt and oatmeal.
  • Then add lemon juice and olive oil over it.
  • Make a fine paste and apply this paste on your nose.
  • Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse off with clean water.

For better result use it twice or thrice a week.

#8 Coconut Oil as Cleanser
Coconut oil is medicinal oil as it contains lauric acid and several antimicrobial agents. It also helps in removing dead cells. So it is very beneficial for getting rid from blackheads.

  • Simply apply few drops of organic virgin coconut oil on nose.
  • Leave it until it completely absorbed.
  • You should do this every night before going to bed.

#9 Apply mint toothpaste
It is the easiest way for removing the blackheads because the mint toothpaste has been proven effective at killing bacteria, microbial agents, and opening the clogged pores.

  • Apply mint toothpaste to the affected area.
  • Leave it for five minutes.
  • Take few drops of water and massage in circular motion around your nose with the help of fingertips.
  • Wash off with clean water.
  • Repeat this recipe once a week for best results.

You can also apply ice cubes for protection from blackheads in future.

#10 Use Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is used for various health and skin issues. It helps in the opening of clogged pores. It can also kill bacteria present in skin.

  • Apply apple cider vinegar with the help of cotton pad in your nose.
  • Allow your skin to absorb the solution completely.
  • Rinse off with warm water.
  • Its daily use removes blackheads from roots of nose
  • People of sensitive skin types should use it with water.

Important Tips for Removing Blackheads from Skin

  • When using any of these home remedies, be careful while applying them.
  • Do the massage gently and in circular motion.
  • Always keep your nose clean. Protect your nose with pollution.
  • Wash your face twice times daily.
  • Keep your bed and sheets clean.
  • Always wear a mask or sunscreen lotion before stepping outin sun, especially from 11 pm to 3 pm.
  • Stay healthy and fit. Eat proper nutritional food.
  • Say a big no to “stress”.
  • Don’t use too much chemical products especially alcohol made.
  • Try to use home remedies for treating your skin troubles

Because our skin is nothing short of an ornament for every one of us, it’s our duty to take care of it. Take all the preventive measures, follow the important tips, and select one of the most suitable recipes and get started!

What do you think shall be the most effective ways of removing deep blackheads on nose? Do share with us in the comments section below.

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